My Testimony 







Dennis Dockham

Founder / Ordained Christian Minister


I would like to share with you my testimony of how my life went from asking God to take my life, as I no longer wanted to live, into a life of grace and peace, serving our Lord and Savior Jesus in ministry. Now walking by faith, believing His Death and Resurrection bought my salvation.


In April 2008 I started looking for God, and asking why He did not take my life that I prayed for so many nights for over the 2 years of my court proceedings. I had hit rock bottom, what I thought was the lowest type of person, a sentenced criminal, ending up in a place I never thought I would ever be, “in jail”.


After the shock of being in jail, I fell to my knees and I cried out to God. Asking for answers of how this could be. Then for the very first time I felt a presence upon me. I heard “come to Me and give yourself over to me, and I will stand with you.”


As I started to search my deepest thoughts, I picked up a Bible and joined a Bible Study group that a Christian brother who came into the jail ran as a volunteer. I started to understand more of what the feelings I had within me were and how it affected my earthly ways living in the flesh.


Now seeing the changes I needed to make in my life, how could I do this myself, me, self-centered and arrogant, thinking I was better than everyone else! Well God knew what he was doing placing me right where I needed to be at this point in my life. And that has forever changed my life as I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior, that He died on a cross for a sinner like me, undeserving of what He had done on the cross so I could live with Him in eternity.


I realized that without God in my life, I would always be the same. So once again, I fell to my knees, this time to turn my life over to Christ asking for His forgiveness and seeking His wisdom. Becoming born-again on Oct 27, 2008, on this day, I really felt His presence within my soul and my eyes became open to the Light of Christ. This was the start of an ever-changing way that would become my daily walk with Christ and life changing ways of living.


Since my release November 2011, from the House of Correction, I have taken the wisdom of God’s Word and put it into practice in my daily walk, being obedient in serving my Lord and Savior. Humbly serving those who are out there lost and shackled in bondage, sharing my story of a broken, unwanted, despised individual who only thought the way out was death. Now I am living in full repentance, seeking truth and striving to walk in the Light of Christ, surrendering all my faults over to God daily, praying for those fleshly behaviors, never to return in my life.


Allowing the Holy Spirit to direct and guide me, I proclaimed my faith in the power of resurrection by a Full Immersion Baptism on March 25, 2012 confessing to my entire rebirth in Christ as written in scripture. I praise God every night for my salvation from my sins and for His daily guidance He provided to me through prayer and meditation time.


Remember I mention about pleading God to take my life? Well, I am happy that God had different plans for me. Yes, God took my life as I surrendered to his calling, not my own. I became a new creation in Christ Jesus, humbly living my life as a faithful servant, striving to glorify God in all I do, using my God given gifts, reaching out to the lost and forgotten through a ministry that was put on my heart by God in a vision while still incarcerated.


By having faith in Christ, the foundations of Disciple of Christ Ministries was formed in June 2012 and is currently serving over 600 inmates in 42 States, through our Pen Pals for Jesus Ministry.


I continue to serve fulltime here at Disciple of Christ Ministries, living on faith that God will always make things work to the good of His Kingdom. I am a sinner saved by grace and just a regular person in which Christ Jesus has given the strength and courage to lead a ministry, and considered me trustworthy, and appointed me to share what He has done in my life to reach the lost and forgotten.

We are always happy to pray for those who are in need of prayer.


We would love to include you in our prayer hour with our Heavenly Father.

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Please will you help support this Ministry.

Since the foundation of Disciple of Christ Ministries were laid in May 2012, we have taken a vision given to Pastor Dennis while serving time, to now a thriving outreach ministry reaching across the country.

We are doing this through Pen Pals for Jesus, our correspondence by mail Prison Ministry. Currently we are serving over 900 inmates across the U.S., matching them with Christian men and women volunteers who share hope and encouragement through letters of Christian support.


Disciple of Christ Ministries boldly goes into the darkest places to shine the Light of the Gospel for others to see! As we continue to grow in numbers, so does the cost of operating the ministry. With all the new mail restriction in place brought us to spend more to reach the inmates bringing a strain on our resources across the board. Leaving us to reach out to churches and organizations inviting them to join us in our efforts in building the Kingdom of God.


 Any love gift amount would be used for the glory of God.


      We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


 Thank you in advance

and may God bless you!

Pastor Dennis

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